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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Resident Evil 0

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Game Name : Resident Evil 0
System : Game Cube
Date Added : 2002-11-30 00:28:00
Views : 16765

Alternate costumes
Successfully complete the game with any rank on the normal or hard difficulty settings. Start a new game. A Closet Key will appear in your inventory. Use it to unlock the closet in the room where the Hunting Gun was first found to access new costumes for Rebecca and Billy.

Completion bonuses
Successfully complete the game with a "B", "C", or "D" rank to unlock the Leech Hunter mini-game. Successfully complete the game with a time between 3:31 and 5:00 for an "A" rank to unlock the Submachine Gun and Leech Hunter mini-game. Successfully complete the game with a time of 3:30 or faster for an "S" rank to unlock the Rocket Launcher, Submachine gun, and Leech Hunter mini-game. Note: To get a rank after completing the game it must be played on the normal difficulty setting. You will not get ranked on the easy difficulty setting, but can still unlock the Leech Hunter mini-game.

Leech Hunter mini-game bonuses
Successfully complete the Leech Hunter mini-game with one of the following ranks to unlock the corresponding bonus:

"A" rank: Infinite ammunition for any weapon
"B" rank: Magnum
"C" rank: Hunting Gun
"D" rank: Handgun
"E" rank: Submachine Gun

One hit kills
When playing as either Rebecca or Billy and you get bit by a zombie, move the character opposite of your main character directly behind the one you are controlling to have him or her shoot the zombie in the head and kill it in one hit, while the zombie deals you no damage. Note: You must have pistol equipped to save ammunition for a one bullet kill.

Extra inventory slot
When playing as Billy with Rebecca as the alternate character, have Billy hold all the pistol ammunition for both characters and keep her gun fully loaded. This gives you one free inventory slot.

Dail door number puzzle
Enter "4863" on Disc 2, where the cable car is located.

Brake system puzzle
The main code is 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 7 + 2 = 81. This should activate the brakes for the train.

Fountain circle puzzle
When you get to the fountain circle with the six animal statues on Disc 1, use Billy to light the statues in the following order: Deer, Wolf, Horse, Lion, Snake, Eagle.

Collecting Leeches in Leech Hunter mini-game
While playing the Leech Hunter mini-game, kill everything in the Mansion, Train Tunnel, and Basement before picking up any of the leeches. Once you pick one up, you cannot put it down. Each player can find a maximum number of 50 leeches (100 total leaches in the game). One item slot can only hold 10 leeches only -- be careful.

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